Oversaved 4 36X36, Acrylic on canvas

This is one of the famous alleged photographs of Joseph Smith. Personally , I find the guy ordinary and not charismatic nor handsome enough. Unlike the other paintings, I decided to keep his hair blonde. I tried to make it black, but the original color won me over. I staged the baby Joseph Smiths like in a movie poster. Movie posters in general consist of floating people staring off in different directions. One away from the main character, some towards. I kind of like that artificiality. While the other paintings were inspired by spiritualist automatic writing. I was going for a more graphic design look this time. I was drawn by the posters of 1960s movies like The Man with the Golden Arm. I loved the storytelling and streetwise feel of the fonts. Main figure painted in Main figure painted in, small figures painted in, half of ba...